Smart spraying

The revolutionary T-pwm system breaks new ground in efficiency and sustainability by introducing precise, versatile and optimized spraying technology, also expandable to artificial intelligence support for targeted weed treatment.

  • Drop size control system, with variation of sprayed volume at constant pressure.
  • Wide range of operating speeds and distributed volumes without nozzle change.
  • Automatic opening and closing control for individual nozzle.
  • Automatic compensation of longitudinal distribution uniformity in curves.
  • Variable dose distribution per individual nozzle from prescription map. .
  • SPOT-SPRAYING READY: targeted “Green on Brown” and “Green on Green” selective distribution on specific weeds with camera support and recognition by artificial intelligence.
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Toselli sprayers and technologies,
only the best for your crops.

Toselli sprayers and technologies, only the best for your crops.


Suitable for cultivation on small plots and/or in conditions of poor maneuverability.


Our range of trailed sprayers can meet a wide variety of needs and requirements.


The best technologies that can meet the continuous demands for new solutions in the market.