The optimal solution even in the most adverse conditions

In “traditional” configuration AirSpray is an excellent anti-drift adjuvant that can be used in any working situation, creating a kind of protective shield to the sprayers without interfering with or affecting the work done by the nozzle. When properly adjusted it actually acts only on the drift generated in spraying by reducing the amount of particles dispersed off target. In the mist boom-blower configuration, the air no longer performs a protection and recovery function but actually becomes the delivery vehicle. Toselli’s special mono-cone nozzles inject a very high number of small droplets directly into the air stream, which, exploiting its turbulence, reach the most hidden parts of the vegetation apparatus, achieving optimal coverage and persistence and avoiding washout.The best of AirSpray, however, is achieved on specialty crops, where it is necessary to reach the most hidden parts of the vegetation, especially when applying contact-action chemicals.

Two sprayers in one


  • Certainty of intervention time: operational, efficient and safe even in very critical wind conditions
  • Dramatic reduction of aerial drift and off-target mixture dispersion
  • Saving of time, water, chemical and fuel
  • Reduced filling, transfer and operator exposure time
  • Exceptional vegetation penetration and persistence on target
  • Excellent distribution uniformity over vegetation, including hidden surfaces
  • Dramatic reduction of active ingredients and volumes with contact insecticides and fungicides
  • Improved coverage and efficacy of systemic products

Spacing 250

Spacing 500

The spectrum of droplets produced by an IDK induction anti-drift nozzle is shown in the picture. In terms of liquid volume, 90% are droplets with diameters greater than 230 microns and therefore easily controlled in terms of drift. On the other hand, if the total number of droplets is considered, it can be seen that 87% of the droplets, although representing only 10% of the volume, are smaller than 230 microns in size and therefore prone to not hit the target. The correct use of Toselli AirSpray makes it possible to reduce the so-called “D10” (off-target drops) by more than 50 percent, as certified by the Julius Kuhn Institute, the official German test center and reference for certifications in Europe.

More uniform and capillary coverage.

Doubling the number of nozzles more than doubles the number of drops to distribute the same volume compared to traditional spacing. This results in more uniform and capillary distribution and provides greater adhesion on the target. The smaller droplets also follow air turbulence better and reach the most difficult spots.

Reduced drift and increased effectiveness.

By halving the spacing, it is possible to operate with great uniformity closer to the target; this also allows the air to penetrate the vegetation with greater speed and create more effective turbulence.

Use of air as an anti-drift adjuvant.

Use of air induction anti-drift nozzles with medium to very large droplet spectrum. The low-velocity air flow is directed backward and does not create turbulence. Air is used as shielding, for control and recovery of the smallest droplets (<230 microns). The system provides great versatility and timeliness even in adverse environmental conditions.

Contact insecticides and fungicides.

Use of air as a vehicle for distribution, turbulence and foliar penetration. Use of special mono-cone nozzles with 250 mm spacing. With medium to very small droplet spectrum. High-velocity air flow is perpendicular to the ground, and mist is injected directly into the air stream. In this case, the air is the distribution vehicle and penetrates the vegetation creating strong turbulence. The system ensures that hidden parts of the vegetation are reached, also ensuring excellent adhesiveness. Excellent results are achievable even in strong winds

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Toselli sprayers and technologies,
only the best for your crops.

Toselli sprayers and technologies, only the best for your crops.


Suitable for cultivation on small plots and/or in conditions of poor maneuverability.


Our range of trailed sprayers can meet a wide variety of needs and requirements.


The best technologies that can meet the continuous demands for new solutions in the market.